Start Verbraucherschutz Anlegerschutz IAL Ltd. – Finger weg von dem „professional financial transaction service provider“

IAL Ltd. – Finger weg von dem „professional financial transaction service provider“

OpenIcons (CC0), Pixabay

Die schweizerische FINMA warnt vor der IAL Ltd mit Sitz in der Ruedi-Walter-Strasse 3 in 8050 Zürich (Tel.: +41 41 508 76 50, E-Mail:,, Internet:

Das Unternehmen bietet angeblich reguliertes und sicheres Online-Trading an. „IAL Group is a professional financial transaction service provider, dedicated to providing the best financial solutions and quality services to customers around the world. IAL Group is a strong team of professional fund managers and risk controllers. Our mission is to provide institutional trading services, low-cost transactions, capital security supervision, unique investment opportunities and Objective advice, providing all aspects of financial education courses and first-class customer service.“

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