Diese Frage findet man derzeit in den elektronischen Briefkästen. Zur Beantwortung soll man auf die Seite Exceptionalfund gehen. Laut dieser steht folgendes Unternehmen dahinter: Exceptional Media Limited, Flat A, 15/F, Hillier Commercial Bldg., 65-67 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. Dass wir hier aus mehreren Gründen davon abraten, ein Investment zu tätigen, können Sie sich ja denken! 😉Zum einen handelt es sich hier um ein Unternehmen, dass seinen Sitz in Hong Kong haben soll. Im Falle eines Problems müssten Sie vor Ort dagegen vorgehen. Zwar ist Hong Kong zweifellos eine schöne Stadt, aber ob sich die Kosten dafür dann rentieren? Falls das Unternehmen überhaupt existiert und es sich nicht nur um eine Briefkastenfirma handelt… Auch ist unbekannt, wer direkt dahinter steckt, ob das Unternehmen unter der Aufsicht einer Finanzbehörde steht usw. Lauter hohe Risikofaktoren! Die Unsicherheit bezüglich des Bitcoins aktuell ist hier noch nicht einmal berücksichtigt!
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„How To Earn 5% A Month In Cryptos? (Part 2)
Von: Support <support@picksratings.com>
hi again!
I got over 417 emails yesterday from you guys asking for more info on the 5% a month program.
its the Cryptofuturologist here and im glad to share with you part Two of my email series to backup the bold claims I stated just 24 hours ago.
Remember? I promised you yesterday to show you how you can eam an additional 60% of your full net worth (be it 10k or 100k or a Million, it doesnt matter!) in Bitcoins in under 365 days!
Well to „unveil“ the secret its not me who is s actually doing it, rather the boys over at = > Exceptionalfund!
Exceptionalfund is a professionally managed trading fund that pays you 5% a month on your deposit.. every single month!
And the Best part is: You can invest via Wire Transfer and recieve your spoils of war in bitcoin month after month after month without the need of going through an exchange!
Thats actually the beauty of this! We calculated it before together remember?
If you invested 50k you would make $2500 a Month in Bitcoins.. NOT counting bitcoins OWN value gain!
30.000 usd yielded in a year could be worth a potential 300.000 or more by the end of 2019.. are you prepared for this??
I attached a statement of my own account with the Guys.. closing in on 100.000 USD in deposit 😉
How they archieve this? Simply by Trading The highly volatile coins such as Bitcoin and Ripple and Dash and Iota (the top 10 coins) against the US Dollar.. every day 7 days a week (no holidays no weekends are offl)
Unlike Forex they dont just trade 5 days.. the cryptomarkets are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.. no rest for the Wicked!
Ive been with these guys since 7 months now and they traded without a hitch when bitcoin was worth 20k per coin down all the way to 5000 usd a coin never missing a beatl.. I had also the honor of doing an interview with their tradersl
You Need to check them out!
= > Exceptionalfund!
Feel free to contact their testimonials.. everything is real and 100% transparent.
Plus not to be bragging you will get ME in your team!
I will teach you:
- How to open a Bitcoin Wallet!
- How to cash the Bitcoins in safety disconnected from the intemet!
- How to loan against your Bitcoin while you wait for its value to grow INSTANTLY at 50% of its value and use that money to pay bills or even REINVEST into bitcoin (INSANE VALUE)
And A Lot more!
Remember Warren Buffet once said: Be greedy when others are fearful, be fearful when others are greedy!
The time to ACT is now!
Reach me DIRECTLY on messenger! I have alot to teach you 🙂
I reply all my partners and Im here to assist you all the way!