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Warnungen der englischen Finanzmarktaufsicht

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DMG Markets / dmgmarkets.com (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) (new) 04/10/2023
NBFCS (Clone of EEA Authorised Firm) (new) 04/10/2023
Change Debt Support (Clone of FCA authorised firm) (updated) 04/10/2023
Finex Leaders/ finexleaders.com (clone of FCA Authorised firm) (new) 04/10/2023
PREMIUMLIVETRADEFX (updated) 04/10/2023
citynationfx-trading (new) 04/10/2023
CRYSTAL FX (new) 04/10/2023
TFX Pro (updated) 04/10/2023
Cash in Hands / cashinhands.uk (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) (updated) 03/10/2023
Premier Group Financial Services (Clone of UK registered company) (updated) 03/10/2023
GBG Limited / gbglmtd.com (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) (new) 03/10/2023
Fbs Fx Trading (new) 22/09/2023
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