Wie üblich und egal in welcher Sprache: Wenn Sie unaufgefordert Mails erhalten, die Werbung für günstige Kredite machen, lassen Sie die Finger davon! So wie bei folgender Offerte, die angeblich von Edward J. Leon stammt und bis zu zwei Milliarden (!!) Dollar verspricht. Noch dazu sollen Sie an eine E-Mail-Adresse schreiben, die von einem kostenlosen Anbieter stammt. Gesendet wurde sie wiederum angeblich von onlineaccount@hilarious.com.
Und hier kommt der Inhalt der Mail:
We are direct affiliate to credible, competent and reliable UK based Investment Funding and investment firm, with
magnifícent financial capacity of providing huge loan Funds to finance your projects. The Finance Company can approve a
project funding from USD $20 million up to USD $2 billion depending on the nature and viability of the business, investment
or project; for 10yrs to 15years repayment period with only 2% interest per-anum.
Fortunately for clients, they give per-amortization (two years grace period) meaning that repayment will commence at the
end of second year, from the date of receiving the Loan Funds in the borrower’s account. We are open to having a good
business relationship with you. If you have a valid business, investment or project to fund, please provide us with the
business plan, executive summary, financial information etc for assessment and review. We are currently interested in
funding víable businesses, investments or projects in the following areas of interest:
* Starting up a Franchise
* Business Acquisition
* Business Expansion
* Capital/ Infrastructural Project
* Commercial Real Estate purchase
* Contract Execution
* Trade Financing
By virtue of our recommendation, the company Lends money to businessmen and offers corporate loans (without collateral)
to those seeking to finance their projects or expand their businesses. Please do not hesitate to contact us for possible
business co-operation.
Send Reply to us for more details if you or your friends need Loan Funds.
Yours faithfully,
Edward J. Leon
E: hrgwmi1@gmail.com