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Warnhinweis der FINMA vor BlackNumbers

qimono / Pixabay

Die Schweizerische FINMA hat o.g. Unternehmen auf ihre Warnliste gesetzt. BlackNummbers hat seinen Sitz in der Chamerstrasse 69 in 6300 Zug (Internet: https://www.blacknumbers.eu/). So präsentiert sich das Unternehmens selber:


BlackNumbers is a leading global financial advisor firm, composed by a group of professional traders who provide investment advice to a wide range of clients such as banks asset management and private investors.

Our power on the Market comes from the fact that from years we provide our financial advices/analysis to a wide range of important firms, such as Banks, Asset Management and Hedge Funds.

Exclusive and performing proprietary investment strategies, developed with innovative mathematic – statistical analysis allow to take benefit in every market phase, either long or short.

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