Start Allgemein First Skyway Invest Group Ltd: Anhaltspunkte für fehlenden Verkaufsprospekt

First Skyway Invest Group Ltd: Anhaltspunkte für fehlenden Verkaufsprospekt

Datum: 08.11.2018

Die BaFin hat Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass die First Skyway Invest Group Ltd. eine Vermögensanlage in Form von Anteilen, die eine Beteiligung am Ergebnis eines Unternehmens gewähren, anbietet. Entgegen § 6 Vermögensanlagengesetz (VermAnlG) wurde hierfür kein Verkaufsprospekt veröffentlicht.

Dazu passt auch folgende Warnung: 

First SkyWay Invest Group Limited (“SkyWay Capital”)


The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of First SkyWay Invest Group Limited (“SkyWay Capital”), a company that offers investment instruments to the public in Belgium.

SkyWay Capital, a company apparently registered in Belarus, is offering its shares to Belgian investors. However, it is doing so without having published a prospectus approved by the FSMA. The company in question is therefore not allowed to offer its shares in Belgium.

Moreover, the scheme proposed by SkyWay Capital exhibits the characteristics of a pyramid scheme. More information about this form of fraud is available on the website of the FSMA.

The financial supervisory authorities of Lithuania (Bank of Lithuania (link is external)) and Estonia (Finantsinspektsioon (link is external)) have already warned the public against the illegal activities of SkyWay Capital.

The FSMA therefore advises against responding to any public offers of investment instruments issued by Skyway Capital or persons connected with that company and against transferring money to any account number it might mention.

SkyWay Capital uses the website (link is external) and the following contact details:

Address: Gable House 239, Regents Park Road, Finchley, London, United Kingdom

Tel.: +7 (495) 419 -04 -56

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