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Finanzmarktaufsicht Großbritannien warnt!

The Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) of the United Kingdom would like to alert all recipients that:

Frankfurt Capital Group
Address: Neue Mainzer Strase 47,
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel: +44 845 868 9644
Fax: +44 845 869 0979
Website: www.frankfurtcg.com

is NOT authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) to carry on a regulated activity in the United Kingdom. Regulated activities include, amongst other things, advising on investments and dealing and arranging deals in investments („investments“ include stocks and shares).

The FSA believes that this organisation may be targeting UK customers. Therefore, we have added this firm to our list of unauthorised firms and individuals list. This list can be found at: www.fsa.gov.uk/doing/regulated/law/alerts/unauthorised-firms

If you have any further questions on this matter please email our Consumer Contact Centre at consumer.queries(at)fsa.gov.uk, or alternatively by telephone on 0845 606 1234. Overseas callers can contact us on (+44) 20 7066 1000.

Anmerkung de Redaktion:
Das Unternehmen soll auch in Deutschland aktiv sein!

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